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Lost Liberties – The War Measures Act

Results of a Gallup Poll


A pie chart showing public opinion.

A pie chart showing public opinion.






Look at the pie chart above. What does it tell you? Verify your answers by reading the Historical Context below.


Look at the pie chart reflecting public opinion. What questions do you have about the people who participated in this poll? What questions do you have about the poll in general?


Read the information provided on this topic. Using the historical evidence you find, develop your own opinion on whether or not invoking the War Measures Act in October 1970 was justified. Share your opinion with a friend.


Date 1970
Object Origin Central
Credit / Object Number Produced by Canadian History Museum, based on information from La Presse December 14, 1970

Historical Context

Choose one of the three levels below to match your needs.

  • The majority of Canadians believed that invoking the War Measures Act was justified, given the violence instigated by the Front de libération du Québec (FLQ).
  • Two months after the application of war measures, a survey showed massive support for the Canadian government’s decision.

  • The majority of Canadians believed that invoking the War Measures Act was justified, given the violence instigated by the Front de libération du Québec (FLQ).
  • Two months after the application of war measures, a survey showed massive support for the Canadian government’s decision.


  • The majority of Canadians believed that invoking the War Measures Act was justified, given the violence instigated by the Front de libération du Québec (FLQ).
  • Two months after the application of war measures, a survey showed massive support for the Canadian government’s decision.


The majority of Canadians believed that invoking the War Measures Act was justified, given the violence instigated by the Front de libération du Québec (FLQ). To feel safer, most people were willing to give up some of their freedoms.

Two months after the invocation of war measures, a survey showed massive support for the Canadian government’s decision.


The vast majority of Canadians felt that the violence instigated by the Front de libération du Québec (FLQ) justified a swift reaction from the authorities.

To feel safer, most people were willing to give up some of their freedoms.

Two months after the invocation of war measures, a survey showed massive support for the Canadian government’s decision.

Other objects related to The October Crisis: Liberty Repressed