NEXT WEEK at the Canadian Museum of Civilization April 20 to 26, 2009

April 17, 2009

at the Canadian Museum of Civilization
April 20 to 26, 2009

Upcoming Activities
Activities are free with Museum admission, unless otherwise indicated.

BC Scene: Masked Dances of the Gitksan Nation
Friday, April 24
11:30 a.m.
Grand Hall
Join us as the Dancers of Damelahamid, from the Skeena River in North-Western British Columbia, perform dramatic dances expressing the oral history of the Gitksan, while also showcasing their vibrant artistic traditions and way of life. Presented in partnership with BC Scene.

Ongoing Exhibitions

Tombs of Eternity: The Afterlife in Ancient Egypt
To August 16
Gallery A
Tombs of Eternity: The Afterlife in Ancient Egypt offers a simulated journey through a 4,000-year-old burial tomb to reveal the secrets of life, death and religious beliefs in the ancient Nile Valley.
This exhibition is organized by the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, in collaboration with the
Canadian Museum of Civilization.

Old is New Again: Building Our National Collection
To June 14
Gallery F
Objects are a tangible connection to our past. For the Civilization and War Museums, collecting and preserving objects is at the heart of our purpose and we depend in part on public donations to do so. In recognition of the received contributions, the Museum of Civilization is presenting a display of some of the most spectacular recent acquisitions.

Glenn Gould: The Sounds of Genius
To May 18
Audioguide ($3)
Gallery E
See why Glenn Gould—one of the last century’s greatest musicians—still inspires and fascinates the world today.
Presented in collaboration with Library and Archives Canada.

Exhibition on the CMC’s 150-Year History
W. E. Taylor Salon
For 150 years, the Canadian Museum of Civilization has explored and displayed past and present Canadian cultures. Discover its captivating history.


Canadian Children’s Museum
(Located in the Canadian Museum of Civilization)

Eating Green: Good for You and the Earth
Presented as part of the “Kids in the Kitchen” series
Saturday, April 25 and Sunday, April 26
10 and 11 a.m. and 1, 2 and 3 p.m.
Maximum 25 participants per workshop
Did you know that food that is good for you is also good for the planet? Drop by the Studio and join our special guest for tips on how to eat “green” and make delicious, nutritious and environmentally conscious snack.

Canadian Postal Museum
(Located in the Canadian Museum of Civilization)

The Post Goes Pop
Extended to April 1, 2010
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