Celebrate National Aboriginal Day

June 13, 2007

Celebrate National Aboriginal Day at the Canadian Museum of Civilization

Gatineau, Quebec, June 12, 2007 — On June 21, the Canadian Museum of Civilization is pleased to invite one and all to the Grand Hall and the First People’s Hall for the National Aboriginal Day Committee’s line-up for an important celebration recognizing First Nation, Métis and Inuit cultures through workshops and activities.
Start off the day by attending the Opening Ceremonies. Then, join in the numerous workshops where you can play interactive games, participate in storytelling and watch performances by many talented Aboriginal entertainers. Don’t miss out on the tours of the First Peoples Hall where you will also have the opportunity to witness the living culture with practising artists.
Enjoy a lunch-time concert surrounded by the magnificent totem poles in the Grand Hall and an exciting line-up of artists including a hip hop dance champion and a world hoop-dance champion.

National Aboriginal Day Events
Thursday, June 21, 2007
9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Various locations in the Canadian Museum of Civilization
Free access to the Grand Hall and the First Peoples Hall

A family theatre night is also hosted by the Canadian Museum of Civilization on Friday, June 22 at 7:00 p.m. You are invited to attend a special performance of Red Sky’s “Raven Stole the Sun” along with opening acts by local theatre groups.  Tickets are available in advance or at the door.
Groups should register by contacting Turtle Island Tourism: (613) 564-9494 or by e-mail at tamara@aboriginalexperiences.com or trina@aboriginalexperiences.com

More information is available by calling 819 776-7000 or 1 800 555-5621.
Media Information:

Chief, Media Relations
Canadian Museum of Civilization
Tel.: 819 776-7167

Trina Mathers-Simard
President, Aboriginal Experiences

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