A night of fantasy at the Museum

August 12, 2009

A night of fantasy at the Museum

Gatineau, Quebec, August 11, 2009 — The Canadian Museum of Civilization invites you to plunge headfirst into the marvellous world of myths and legends on August 22.

On the night of Mythic Bash!, you’ll get to meet a psychic and a magician, watch medieval combat demonstrations, and taste fanciful foods like sea-serpent stew or smoked dragon’s-tongue sandwiches … delicious!

Come as Beauty, Beast or even a valiant knight and let yourself get swept away in this mythical world. To finish off the evening, try out a few dance moves or get yourself a temporary tattoo of a mythic beast, and quench your thirst with a refreshing glass of unicorn tears.

This fanciful evening, taking place in English and in French, is presented in parallel with the exhibition Mythic Beasts: Dragons, Unicorns and Mermaids, at the Museum until September 20.

Mythic Bash!
Saturday, August 22
8 p.m. to midnight
Grand Hall
Tickets: $10 (includes admission to Mythic Beasts: Dragons, Unicorns and Mermaids)

Media Information:

Chief, Media Relations
Canadian Museum of Civilization
Tel.: 819 776-7167

Media Relations Officer
Canadian Museum of Civilization
Tel.: 819 776-7169

Fax: 819 776-7187