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Jaime Morse

Meet Jaime Morse!

A woman

Photo: Jaime Morse

Jaime Morse is Michif from northern Alberta, and grew up on her German immigrant Grandmother’s farm between Métis and First Nations communities. Jaime is the mother of two young women who have started their journey into post-secondary education, and of two sons — one of whom is finishing high school, while the other is about to enter preschool. Her children are dancers in the Michif family dance group called Prairie Fire, which performs at community and public engagements.

Jaime holds a B.A. in Canadian Studies from Carleton University (2004), and was the 2014 winner of the Ontario Arts Council Award for Emerging Artist. She is an Educator, Indigenous Programs and Outreach at the National Gallery of Canada, and is the owner of Indigenous Walks, a local walk-and-talk tour company. In addition, she is a visual artist who mentors and teaches fish-scale art, beadwork and the drawing of floral-inspired designs on animal hides/skins.


Nakishkaw Jaime Morse!


Photo: Jaime Morse

Jaime Morse aykwawina aen Michif ouschi li nor Alberta akwa ki ouhpikiw ishi soon Zalmaw aen nitrawnzhee Ouhkouma soon la farm awntor deu Métis akwa Li Promyee Nawsyoon a lawntour. Jaime wiya aen oumawmaw poor deu li zhenn feey aykwawniki keemawchtawwuk soon wayaezh ishi li koleezh a li grawn t’ikol akwa deu li garsoon, payyek kaykawt poonistaw a li grawn t’ikol akwa payyek kawmawchtaw li pchi zaanfaan d’ikol wiput. Tapishkoot wiya soon oumawmawa akwa aen maetr d’kol, kahkiyuw see zawnfawn li dawnsoer akwa meena aen part ouschi Michif la famee en dawns la bonch kaw-shihkawtayk Prairie Fire ekotay nawhneemiwak ishi a lawntour akwa li piblik mamoowitoohkaamakaywin.

Jaime michiminam aen Bachelor ouschi Arts didawn aen zhawnd Canada Kunwawpaschikaywin ouschi Carleton Li University (2004) akwa meena 2014 pashkiyawkayw ouschi Ontario Arts Council Aen Pree poor Nahinakoushiw Li Artist.

Maykwawt, Jaime wiya aen piblik la sarvawnt atoushkayw ishi ooma Mishiway itay Alawntour Parmi lee Portray’d ouschi Canada, aen paaminikaywin kawtipayhtahk ouschi aen pimouhtayhk akwa kawpeekshkwayhk wawpahchikaywin la koonpayeen shinihkawtayw, Li Promyee Nawsyoon Pimouhtaywin akwa aen la veu aen artist aykwawina peekishkwawtem akwa koushkounahamawkayw li pwesoon kawshkahoukaywin li art, la garnicheur akwa aymashnipayhwawt awn floeree la promyaenr itashinihikataywin didawn la poo.


Prairie Fire
By Jaime Morse


Photo at top of page:
By Jaime Morse