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Multiple Identities

Gallery 3: Modern Canada ⟶ Diversity and Human Rights ⟶ An Era of Affirmation and Change

Race and Religion
Changes to Canadian immigration policy in the 1960s, which prioritized economic needs and skills rather than profiling based on race or ethnicity, have transformed the demographic makeup of Canadian society. This, along with the official adoption of multiculturalism in 1971 and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms in 1982, has helped to lessen prejudice and discrimination based on racial or religious grounds. The question of religious and racial diversity continues to shape discussions of Canadian identity today.

Artist Laila Binbrek is of Yemeni ancestry and was born in Kitchener, Ontario. She has lived in Saudi Arabia, Egypt and England, and returned to Canada in the early ’90s to complete her art studies. She now resides in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and is a key figure in the local art scene. This piece, Mirror Mirror, reflects Binbrek’s search for balance between her dual identities.


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Photo at top of page:
Mirror, Mirror
Laila Binbrek, 2000
Gift of Laila Omar Binbrek
CMH, 2003.186.1.1 a-c, 1.2, 2.1 a-c, 2.2