The historical furnishings of the Niagara Region are noteworthy because they come from one of a few areas in Canada where, over a sixty-year period, a group of cabinetmakers developed unique regional designs in the products they made. The forms of these furnishings evolved to acknowledge changing fashions, but at their core, they still reflected the cultural roots of the community dating back to the 1700s. One of the strengths of the John and Heather Harbinson Collection is the cross-section of pieces with a Niagara Region provenance.
22 items
Chippendale Tall Chest of Drawers
Two Piece Glazed Cupboard
Tall Case Clock
Country Sofa
Three Drawer Work Table
Single Drawer Lamp Table
Candle Stand
Dome Top Storage Box
Blanket Chest
Three Drawer Blanket Chest
Chest of Drawers
Chest of Drawers
Chest of Drawers
Chest of Drawers
Canopy Bed
Low Post Rope Bed
Child’s Rope Bed
Sheraton Sofa Table
Two Drawer Lamp Table
Swing Leg Table
Lamp Table