
Alexie, Bella. “Early 1900s as I Remember It”. Gwich’in COPE Stories, Gwich’in Social and Cultural Institute. Fort McPherson, Northwest Territories, 2010.

Alexie, Bella. “Marriages”. Gwich’in COPE Stories, Gwich’in Social and Cultural Institute. Fort McPherson, Northwest Territories, 2010.

Alexie, Walter, Teetł’it Gwich’in Elder. Interview by Sarah Jerome and Ingrid Kritsch, June 19, 1996, Fort McPherson, Northwest Territories. Gwich’in Social and Cultural Institute, Teetł’it Gwich’in Place Names Project, 1996, Tape 17: 4–5.

Andrew, Elijah. “A Long Time Ago”. Gwich’in COPE Stories, Gwich’in Social and Cultural Institute. Fort McPherson, Northwest Territories, 2010.

Bonnetplume, Paul. “Hunting and Fishing in the Fall”. Gwich’in COPE Stories, Gwich’in Social and Cultural Institute. Fort McPherson, Northwest Territories, 2010.

Bonnetplume, Paul. “Life in the Yukon”. Gwich’in COPE Stories, Gwich’in Social and Cultural Institute. Fort McPherson, Northwest Territories, 2010.

Christie Thompson’s funeral pamphlet, March 2003.

Colin, Neil. Map Biographies Project: Dene Nation, 1975. Gwich’in Social and Cultural Institute Archives.

Docs Ethno, E2006.7 B795, f.16, f.21, CMC Archives.

Gwich’in Social and Cultural Institute, Elders’ Biographies Project, 2010.

Gwich’in Social and Cultural Institute, Gwich’in Elders Calendar 2001.

Gwich’in Social and Cultural Institute, website:

Gwitch’in Language Project, “Gwitch’in Elders”. Department of Education, Government of the Northwest Territories, 1986.

Heine, Michael, Alestine Andre, Ingrid Kritsch and Alma Cardinal. Gwichya Gwich’in Googwandak: The History and Stories of the Gwichya Gwich’in, as Told by the Elders of Tsiigehtshik. Tsiigehtchic and Yellowknife: Gwich’in Social and Cultural Institute, 2001. Revised and reprinted in 2007, pp. 93, 254.

Kendi, Mary, Ehdiitat Gwich’in Elder. Interview by Leslie McCartney and Therese (Remy) Sawyer, July 17, 2000, Aklavik, Northwest Territories. Gwich’in Social and Cultural Institute, Gwich’in Elders Biographies Research Project, 2000–2003, Tape 12:2.

Kunnizzi, Andrew. “Heart [Hart] and Blackstone River”. Gwich’in COPE Stories, Gwich’in Social and Cultural Institute. Fort McPherson, Northwest Territories, 2010.

Leechman, Douglas. The Vanta Kutchin. Anthropological Series 33, National Museum of Canada Bulletin 130. Ottawa, 1954, pp. 6, 18.

Lyons, Natasha. “Repatriating Traditional Gwich’in Skills and Knowledge, 2006–2007”. Unpublished report on a pilot project with Gwich’in Elders from Fort McPherson. Gwich’in Social and Cultural Institute, 2007, pp. 11–12.

McClellan, Catharine and Glenda Denniston. “Environment and Culture in the Cordillera”. In Subarctic, June Helm, ed. Vol. 6 of Handbook of North American Indians, William C. Sturtevant, ed. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution, 1981, p. 377.

McConnell, Richard. Report on an Exploration in the Yukon and Mackenzie Basin, N.W.T. Montreal: William Foster Brown & Co., 1891.

Mitchell, Agnes, Gwichya Gwich’in. Interview, December 2000, Yellowknife, Northwest Territories. Gwich’in Social and Cultural Institute, Gwich’in Traditional Caribou Skin Clothing Project, Videotape 4: 18:00-22:00.

Morlan, Richard. The Later Prehistory of the Middle Porcupine Drainage, Northern Yukon Territory. Mercury Series, Archaeological Survey Paper 11. Ottawa: National Museum of Man, 1973, pp. 71–73.

Murray, Alexander Hunter. Journal of the Yukon, 1847–48. K. H. Burpee, ed. Publications of the Public Archives of Canada 4. Ottawa, 1910.

Osgood, Cornelius. Contributions to the Ethnography of the Kutchin. Yale University Publications in Anthropology 14. New Haven, Connecticut, 1936, pp. 57–58, 63, 64, 69. Cornelius Osgood conducted fieldwork among the Teetł’it Gwich’in, Vuntut Gwitchin and Neets’aii Gwich’in in the Yukon and Alaska in the summer of 1932. He was the first anthropologist to write about the Gwich’in.

Peters, Roddy. “Timber Creek”. Gwich’in COPE Stories, Gwich’in Social and Cultural Institute. Fort McPherson, Northwest Territories, 2010.

Peters, Sarah. “Life in the Old Days”. Gwich’in COPE Stories, Gwich’in Social and Cultural Institute. Fort McPherson, Northwest Territories, 2010.

Slobodin, Richard. Band Organization of the Peel River Kutchin. Anthropological Series 55, National Museum of Canada Bulletin 179. Ottawa, 1962, pp. 60–61.

Slobodin, Richard. Collector’s notes, 1963–1964, CMC Archives.

Slobodin, Richard. “Kutchin”. In Subarctic, June Helm, ed. Vol. 6 of Handbook of North American Indians, William C. Sturtevant, ed. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution, 1981, pp. 514–532.

Snowshoe, Louisa. Life Long Ago Collection, Gwich’in Language Centre, Tape 1, 1990:2. Gwich’in Social and Cultural Institute.

Thompson, Christie. “The Way Indians Make Their Living Long Ago”. Gwich’in COPE Stories, Gwich’in Social and Cultural Institute. Fort McPherson, Northwest Territories, 2010.

Thompson, Judy and Ingrid Kritsch. Yeenoo Dài’ K’è’tr’ijilkai’ Ganagwaandaii: Long Ago Sewing We Will Remember. Mercury Series, Publications in Ethnology Paper 143. Hull: Canadian Museum of Civilization, 2005, pp. 14–15.

Vaneltsi, Lucy. “Fish Nets and Traditional Life”. Gwich’in COPE Stories, Gwich’in Social and Cultural Institute. Fort McPherson, Northwest Territories, 2010.

Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation and Shirleen Smith. People of the Lake: Stories of Our Van Tat Gwich’in Elders / Googwandak Nakhwach’ànjòo Van Tat Gwich’in. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 2009.

Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation Collection. VG1997-08-03:018, VG1997-08-07:020-106, VG2001-04-05:340, VG2001-04-06:31-283, VG2001-13-09:123.

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