Thomas Creek caribou surround
The Thomas Creek caribou surround, northwestern Old Crow Flats, Yukon, based on a 1968 sketch by W. N. Irving
Source: McClellan, Catharine and Glenda Denniston, 1981
“Kutchin caribou surround, last used in 1894, at the head of Thomas Creek in northwestern Old Crow Flats, Yukon Territory. The corral ... was about one-half mile [800 m] long and consisted of 2 parallel fences about 20-30 yards [18–27 m] apart and closed at one end, constructed of upright poles about 8 feet tall [2.4 m] set 4-5 feet [1.2–1.5 m] apart, once probably interlaced with brush with narrow openings in which, as well as inside the corral, hundreds of caribou-babiche snares were set. The diverging arms of the corral were made of smaller, more widely spaced poles. The whole impressive construction may have included 10,000 poles. In Sept.-Oct. caribou herds crossing the area were driven toward the surround by small groups of people running behind the animals and imitating wolf cries, while hunters with bows and arrows and spears were stationed at the entrance and along the corral — although most caribou were caught in the snares. The corral itself was concealed from the approaching animals by the dense timber and by a low ridge across the extended arms.”
— Richard Morlan, 1973