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Fragments of Humanity – Archaeology in Quebec

Special Exhibition

Fragments of Humanity – Archaeology in Quebec

Until November 3, 2019

Today's Hours

9:00 AM - 6:00 PM

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Explore 50 years of archaeological discoveries in Quebec. This exhibition brings together some 210 exceptional pieces, many of which are being displayed for the first time. It highlights the rich and varied archaeological collections of Quebec’s Ministry of Culture and Communications, Pointe-à-Callière and Parks Canada, as well as other important collections. Discovered underground or underwater, the fragments of humanity it presents tell stories that reveal different aspects of our history.

A travelling exhibition developed by Pointe-à-Callière, Montréal Archaeology and History Complex, in collaboration with the Government of Quebec, and with the financial support of the Government of Canada.

Photo: Jacques Beardsell © Laboratoire et Réserve d’archéologie du Québec, MCC
Illustration: Catherine Trottier

Here since 12,000 years

Video: © Pointe-à-Callière


The Exhibition in Pictures


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Additional Videos

Making a stone projectile point

Montréal pipe makers

Shipwreck Secrets

Videos: © Pointe-à-Callière

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