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Jewish Journeys – Stories of Immigration from the Treasures of Library and Archives Canada

May 9, 2019–Feb. 23, 2020

This special display presents Judaica from the holdings of the Jacob M. Lowy Collection. These books highlight important aspects of the story of Jewish immigration to Canada.

The books reveal the lives of their former owners and the development of the Canadian Jewish community. Their stories include fleeing persecution, adapting to Canada, and working toward preserving Jewish traditions in Canada. Through challenges and triumphs, these stories reveal the larger Jewish journey to Canada.

While these are Jewish books and stories, the immigrant experience is a larger Canadian story. The Jewish Journeys – Stories of Immigration display offers an opportunity to reflect on the similarities and differences between a full range of Canadian immigrant experiences.

This display was developed in partnership between Library and Archives Canada and the Canadian Museum of History.

Photo: William James Topley, Library and Archives Canada, e010958690

May 9, 2019–Feb. 23, 2020
