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The Deschamps et Carrière Store
Now the Orignal Bar
104 Eddy Street

Deschamps et Carrière

Moïse Deschamps worked for several years in the lumber camps and sawmills. From 1906 to 1909, he represented District 3 on the Hull City Council. He was very active in the Artisans canadiens-français (French-Canadian Artisans) and the Catholic Order of Foresters, two charitable organizations. The former appears to have existed in Quebec since the mid-nineteenth century; the latter was founded in 1883 in Chicago, Illinois. We do not know when they started up in the Ottawa Valley, but it was before 1908. These two organizations later became insurance companies.

Deschamps' partner, Joseph Carrière, who had been a sawmill foreman, seems to have been the head of the business that the pair founded in 1898 at the corner of the current Eddy and Vaudreuil Streets. It was a general store that carried both food and dry goods - fabrics, clothing, etc. - as well as hardware: ironwork, carpeting, paint, oil, glass and hay.