The Victorian Era Ball, Toronto
December 28, 1897

Connections to the Empire

Through all the sets and characters at the Victorian Era Ball, the Aberdeens reinforced the ideas of imperialism, highlighting the fact that while Canada was an important asset to Britain because of its natural resources, at the same time, the connection to Britain enabled Canadians to enjoy the benefits of culture, such as art and literature, as well as technological progress.

Torontonians embraced these ideas wholeheartedly. One of the most impressive moments at the ball occurred when the Earl of Aberdeen read out a telegram expressing good wishes from the Queen. The crowd rose to its feet as one, bursting into a rendition of "God Save the Queen."

Lady Aberdeen
One of the strongest imperial references could be read in Lady Aberdeen's court dress. The blue velvet dress had trim of embroidered white poplin, and a train with a red satin lining - alluding to the colours of the Empire. The embroidery was based on designs from the Book of Kells, and her bodice was trimmed with Irish point lace, both references to her support of Irish industry.

Lady Aberdeen dressed for the Victorian Era Ball
Toronto, 1897
W.J. Topley
Metro Toronto Reference Library,
