INDIA     Exhibition   

I n d i a . T h e  L i v i n g  A r t s

The Village

Our people have inherited great talents. Our way of life
is imbued with the sense of beauty. Our women paint on the walls naturally.
Our craftsmen know how to make . . . with their hands everything that we have in India. If we have faith in them, they can perform miracles.

M a h a t m a   G a n d h i

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A lthough the population of India's great cities grows rapidly, over eighty percent of Indians live in hundreds of thousands of villages. Millions more continue to visit their native villages for periodic festivals and family events.

It is in these rural areas that much of the art of India originated and is sustained. The traditional exchange relationships between artisan communities and their patrons and customers have persisted in the villages, and the agricultural cycle provides the schedule for fairs, festivals and worship, all of which are animated by the work of artists.