INDIA     Exhibition   

I n d i a . T h e  L i v i n g  A r t s

Contenant d'eau bénite


Sujni (quilts)

Max Allen Via Collection
Canadian Museum of Civilization

These quilts are made of layers of old sari or dhoti fabric stitched together with coloured threads, usually taken from the edges of the sari pieces. Revived as a self-help project, they depict daily life in the region of Bihar. One person does the drawing, then a group of women fill in the colours. These example represents the artists' view of women in the outside world, chatting, watching television and riding motorcycles.

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Embroiderer from Patna
Bihar State
Eastern India

Women of Bihar traditionally made quilts (sujni) from layers of worn-out clothing embroidered with a running stitch. Once confined to a purely domestic role, these quilts have now become a new source of income and freedom for women, and the designs address the outside world as well as local life.