INDIA     Exhibition   

I n d i a . T h e  L i v i n g  A r t s


Holy water container
20th century

Meerut, Uttar Pradesh
Formed brass
Private collection

Containers sush as this, shaped like a hamsa (mysthical bird), are used by pilgrims to sacred sources of water, like the Ganges River at Varanasi, to transport the holy liquid back to shrines or relatives at home. The name and town of the maker are recorded on the tail, wich is the stopper.

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Brass caster from Jagdalpur
Bastar District
Madhya Pradesh State (central India)

Manik Ghadwa prepares to finish a brass horse cast using the lost wax technique. His community is one of several in central India that serve tribal people with images of their local deities and small offerings, often in the form of animals.