International Context Game

CONGRATULATIONS! You made it to Fort Vermilion with the medicine in 11/2 days. The diphtheria epidemic can be prevented, and you and Horner are hailed as heroes.

The mercy flight made by Wop May and Vic Horner was not the first flight along the route. On March 24, 1921, both Elmer G. Fullerton and George W. Gorman each made pioneer flights from Peace River to Fort Simpson and back, passing through Fort Vermilion. During these flights, Fullerton and Gorman delivered mail and supplies, and furthered the mapping of the region.

It was not until almost 10 years later, two years after May and Horner made their famous flight, that regular mail service between Edmonton and Peace River/Fort Vermilion began.

Pilots like Wop May were not simply flying mailman. They were pioneers - delivering mail, charting maps and breaking new ground in the exploration of Canada's North. For the men, women and children isolated in the north, these pilots were the only contact with faraway friends and family. They established links from south to north, and contributed greatly to the growth and development of Canada.

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The Bush
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Canadian Postal Museum