Grant Kernan / AK Photos
Michael Hosaluk's idiosyncratic turned-wood objects are
recognized throughout the world for their inventive spirit and
technical mastery.
Selection Committee Statement
Michael Hosaluk lives near Saskatoon, and is recognized as one
of the world's most creative woodturners. In 2004, he was
awarded the Saskatchewan Lieutenant Governor's Award for
Innovation in the Arts. Hosaluk is a member of the Royal
Canadian Academy of Arts and an Honorary Lifetime Member of the
Saskatchewan Crafts Council. Hosaluk was active on the Steering
and Advisory Committees of the Furniture Society. Since
1982, he has been the coordinator of the biennial International
Wood Furniture/Turning Conference.
His work has been exhibited throughout Canada, the United
States, England, Germany and Japan. Hosaluk is the author of
Scratching the Surface: Art and Content in Contemporary
Wood. He has lectured and demonstrated extensively
throughout Canada, the United States, Australia, New Zealand,
Great Britain, France, Norway and Israel.