Cao Fu Returns to Heaven

(Cao Fu deng xian)

Volumes 1 and 2 of 4Volumes 3 and 4 of 4

The play is an adaptation of the folktale, 'The Southern Gate of Heaven'. Set during the Ming Dynasty (A.D. 1368-1644), this opera tells a story of loyalty and trust, and has a plot similar to the story The Master is Saved by His Loyal Servant, also found in this collection.

During the reign of the Tianqi Emperor of the Ming Dynasty, the de facto ruler of the country is an infamous and ruthless eunuch called Wei Zhongxian. He amasses a great fortune through bribery and corruption. Cao Zhengbang is a cabinet minister loyal to the Ming court, and reports the corruption to the Emperor, who is young and powerless. After his attempt to bring the eunuch to justice, Cao is dismissed from his post by Wei, and is exiled to a remote village.

Cao Zhengbang and his family are assassinated by Wei's men on their way to the remote village. Fortunately, Cao's young daughter Yuliang escapes with the help of Cao Fu, a loyal servant who has been with Cao Zhengbang for many years. The remote village is no longer a safe place to go. Since the general stationed in the Datong Pass in Shanxi Province is Cao Zhengbang's student, they decide to hide in his camp, despite the fact that it is nearly a thousand miles away.

They finally come to Guanghua Mountain, over which they have to pass in order to reach the border of Shanxi Province. A sudden snowstorm buries them, and they lose all of their food and their warm clothing. Cao Fu takes off his own clothes and puts them on Yuliang to warm her up. He tells Yuliang to continue on without him. He is dying and has a vision of the Goddess of Mercy coming down from Heaven with other saints to look after him and Yuliang. Sadly, he dies in the snow, but Yuliang survives.

The Goddess of Mercy is moved by Cao Fu's loyalty and love. He is brought to Heaven and is appointed tutelary god of the Southern Gate of Heaven.