The Delivery of a Son

(Song zi fan gong zhuang)

Volume 3 of 4

Volumes 1, 2 and 4 are not in the collection

This play is adapted from a traditional yet popular Chinese folktale. In Chinese culture, Heaven and Earth always come together in forbidden love stories. The weaver girl is a heavenly being, and is the seventh daughter of the Jade Emperor, ruler of Heaven. She sees a poor man in the mortal world named Dong Yong who has just lost his parents. She falls in love with him and secretly leaves the celestial world, eventually marrying Dong Yong. However, the Jade Emperor becomes enraged at this unnatural union, and sends his guards to bring the princess back to the celestial world. Before she leaves, she manages to leave her baby with Dong Yong, so that they can meet every year on July 7 of the lunar calendar, which is the Chinese Valentine's Day.

This play is among those traditionally performed for holidays and festivals such as the Spring Festival. The play features numerous percussion instruments, as well as acrobatic dancing and martial arts scenes instead of songs. Similar plays — such as All Good News: A Promotion at Work and the Birth of a Son at Home and The Family Reunion with a Newborn at Home — are usually staged in turns, one after the other, for several days during the festival. Audiences come and go just to share in the happiness and lively holiday atmosphere.