Jane Goodall is a friend to all


Introduce your child to the remarkable primatologist and anthropologist, Jane Goodall with this book by Kate Coombs “Jane Goodall is a friend to all”. Jane’s love for animals began in her childhood, throughout her life, she conducted groundbreaking research on chimpanzees in Tanzania. Kate Coombs is an award-winning author known for her fairy tales and poems, while Seth Lucas is a talented illustrator and designer supporting National Parks. Join them on this captivating journey!

Dimensions : 6″3/4 (13 cm) x 6″3/4 (13 cm)

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Jane Goodall’s lifelong love for animals began in her childhood. She conducted extensive research in Africa before venturing to Tanzania to delve into the fascinating world of chimpanzees. By developing friendships with these primates, Jane uncovered groundbreaking insights into their tool-making abilities and their non-vegetarian diet. Today, after decades of dedicated study, Jane continues to inspire people to conserve the environment and safeguard animal welfare. In this captivating book by Kate Coombs, accompanied by Seth Lucas’ mesmerizing illustrations, young readers can learn about the renowned primatologist and be encouraged to embody kindness and adventurous spirit, nurturing their own curiosity for the natural world.

Kate Coombs, an acclaimed author, has crafted numerous original fairy tales, poems, middle-grade fantasy novels, and picture books. Notably, her work “Water Sings Blue” earned the prestigious Lee Bennett Hopkins Poetry Award in 2012. She currently resides in Bountiful, Utah.

Seth Lucas, a talented illustrator and designer holding a BFA in graphic design, co-founded Ello There Outdoors—an initiative that sells prints and accessories in support of the National Parks and outdoor spaces. Seth resides in Indianapolis, IN, alongside his wife and daughter.

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